Posts tagged vegan desserts

Who is a fan of rice pudding? Not me! Er, well, it’s not something I ever grew up with or have ever craved. But when impromptu girls nights happen and the theme is Indian, you whip up an Indian-style rice pudding. I present to you: kheer.

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Miso might be my favourite ingredient right now to use, especially in sweet applications. Its saltiness and rich umami flavour works so well in sweet desserts. It gives depth to what would have a very simple and nutty cookie. I was seriously blown away at how much flavour this cookie had and how easy it was. Adding to my roster!

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Who knew you could make French meringues out of…bean liquid? Seriously guys, it’s a thing. I’m no stranger to the aquefaba movement but I just had to share this basic foundational recipe with you guys. Completely convincing and 100% vegan - don’t even think about wasting another carton of eggs to make meringues ever again! Recipe after the jump!

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