Posts tagged eastern europe

Zagreb is the capital of Croatia. It was a stop on my month-long trip from Central Europe to Turkey. I had full intentions of just going to the coastal towns of Croatia but decided to stop in Zagreb and stay one night after Slovenia. I’m really glad I was able to make a pit stop here. Not only did I have one of the best foods ever there, but I also made a friend there and was able to connect with someone at night. Zagreb is a beautiful city, filled with great museums and sights - definitely worth the stop!

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I visited Belgrade! Honestly, it’s one of the least tourist-infested cities in Europe. Literally. I could count the amount of tourists I saw on my hand in a day. It was honesty really refreshing going and visiting a city which I had absolutely no clue on. Despite having a Serbian sugar daddy, I did not know much about the city. And I probably left still not knowing much about it. The city isn’t super well set up for tourists yet but that was part of the charm of it. I’m really excited to see how Belgrade will change in the years to come.

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