COVID-19 Series 6: Welcome Back to the World Famous No. 5 Orange w/ Randi


Strip clubs are reopening again, YAY! This week we speak with Randi, an exotic dancer employed at the No. 5 Orange on her experience with the pandemic, dancing pre- and post-quarantine and new protocols that are currently in place. The No. 5 Orange is the first strip club in Canada to reopen - but of course, with new health regulations in place. What kind of standards have they instilled? What is it going to be like for future patrons and club goers? What about the safety and wellbeing of the dancers? And most importantly, what about their legendary lap dances? Randi shares her story on how her first week went at the club and what it means for her health, income and future.

  • IG: @missrand.e



Also introducing our brand new sponsor: @tancouver! Stripped by SIA listeners get 10% off their spray tans. It's the #1 spot in Vancouver for a spray tan. It's vegan-friendly and finished with Deborah's house-made gold shimmering finishing powder. DM Deborah on Instagram (@tancouver) for 10% off!

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  • @strippedbysia

  • @siasteph

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